Executive Close Protection course:
- Comprehensive and innovative general Close Protection skills instruction both theoretical and practical.
- Skills and tactical procedures in line with SIA criteria/core competencies in conjunction with realistic scenarios and practice.
- This course includes Highfield Level 3 Certificate for Close Protection Operatives in the Private Security Industry.
- Driver training. A good insight in to the preparation, control and techniques of low profile tactical driving, vehicle escort drills, convoy procedures, contact drills and vehicle navigation.
- Surveillance/counter surveillance. Counter surveillance techniques are critical in the pre-emption of potentially lethal situations. Proactive measures to detect and counter surveillance are taught and practiced.
- FREC 3 First Responce Emergency Care trauma management. A comprehensive medical package designed for Close Protection operatives. The course is demanding and realistic. Skills included are triage assessment, control of bleeding, breaks/burns, defibrillation, airway control and many more aspects of first response. FREC 3 is accredited with QA Quality Awards and is awarded.
- Price does not include accommodation. £2500.
All Ronin Concepts Security Solutions Ltd courses are held at our own training facility in Hereford.
Other information
Upon successful completion of this Executive Close Protection course the student is awarded;
Highfield Level 3 Certificate for Close Protection Operatives Within the Private Security Industry
QA FREC Level 3 First Responce Emergency Care
Operational and administrative advice is only a phone call away. If you would like to know anything more about this course please contact: theofficeRoninConcepts@gmail.com